Bill Walker
I am the owner and, so far, only employee of North Valley Digital
(NVDi), a general computer consulting firm in Kalispell, Montana. NVDi is the latest stage
in a journey that started with a BS in Physics and included stops along the way as a
real-time jock and in-house consultant for a large Department of Energy contractor. I've
also dueled with the ogres of the copy desk as a columnist for a technical periodical,
published a number of software packages and made more technical presentations than I can
count or wish to remember.

These days I provide computer and networking support and advice to individuals and to
companies too small to have an in-house staff. I still do the occasional real-time job, as
well. I work mostly with Windows 95 and Windows NT out of convenience, although I've been
around too long to be an operating system chauvinist.

If you want to know more, see my web pages at

Dig around a bit. You might turn up some interesting stuff.
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Maintained by William K. Walker
Copyright © 1996, 1997 by William K. Walker
Last update: 09 Mar 97