Lion Attack!
Tom was on vacation at the North Fork Hostel when he had a brush with a mountain lion! (No, you
don't want to know why my dog was "on vacation.") My friend Oliver was caring
for him at the time. Here is the -- slightly edited -- official report:
From: xxxxx
Sent: Friday, December 05, 1997 00:06
To: 'William Walker'; xxxxx
Cc: xxxxx
Subject: Lionattack
Tom just got hit by a big cat!
Luckily I wasn't even 15 feet away and jumped that <expletive deleted> yelling and
booting him off the dog.
Tom has two indentations on his head now from the two canines, about 3 inches apart.
He is going to be a real North Fork Tough Son Of A Bitch ....
We were feeding [some] horses and the mountain lion jumped from behind the barn. It was a
big healthy animal, it will find some more suitable prey.
Didn't you wish you were here...
Tom is telling his tale to Bear right now, Ivan is mighty impressed by Tom's scars.
Oliver, the Lionkicker

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Maintained by William K. Walker
Copyright © 1996, 1997 by William K. Walker
Last update: 7 Dec 97