Virtual Stuff People in the computer industry are pretty
fast and loose with the word "virtual." And, as
you can see on the left, the definition is kind of
confusing and lawyer-like. Nevertheless, we're stuck with
it. This useful but much-abused word rolls nicely off the
tongue, appealing to geeks and marketeers alike.

When you find "virtual" snuggled up next to a
noun, it usually means something that acts like it's
there, but isn't -- it walks like a duck and quacks like
a duck, but it's not a duck. For instance, many operating
systems -- Windows 95 included -- incorporate something
called virtual memory. By keeping inactive
portions of code in a "swap file" on disk, the
operating system makes it appear that there is more
memory available than is physically installed on the
machine. As anyone knows who has attempted to run a big
application on a machine that is short on physical
memory, the deception is not perfect; all that swapping
slows things down. Still, virtual memory
describes the situation pretty well.
The feverishly popular term
virtual reality is a little shakier, though. It
really ought to be called simulation, but the
computer industry has a long tradition of adjective
inflation (have you ever tried to operate a laptop
computer on your lap?), so we're probably stuck with it.

You might as well resign yourself to seeing
"virtual" a lot. It's used virtually everywhere
these days. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.) We've got virtual
cash, virtual servers and even a Virtual Reality Markup
Language (VRML). If it seems like the edges of reality
are beginning to blur, just be thankful that
"virtual" is a bit too short to be turned into
an acronym.
a real-world example of virtuality and its
attendant confusion, see the WhertRA article
titled "Out of
Memory" Error. |