"Out of Memory" Error

Windows 95 says I am "out of memory." How
can I be out of memory? I've got lots of memory on this
machine!What Windows
95 is probably trying rather clumsily to tell you is that
you are running low on disk space. Windows 95 usually
pretends to have more memory for programs than is
physically available on the computer. If necessary, it
uses a dynamically sized swap file on the hard drive to
hold chunks of code that don't happen to be active at the
moment. The total of this "virtual" memory plus the RAM actually
installed on your machine is what Windows 95 means by
"memory" in this case. Theoretically, if you
had enough physical memory on your system, you wouldn't
need the swap file.
The solution? Free up some
disk space by deleting unneeded files. If you are really
jammed up, you may have to boot to an MS-DOS prompt to do

Note: If you are using Internet Explorer (IE),
you may be able to pick up quite a bit of disk space
simply by adjusting its ridiculously large cache setting.
Try this:
* Launch Internet Explorer; from the View menu, choose
* From the resulting dialog, choose the Advanced tab and
click the
"Settings..." button.
* You'll see a slider that controls the percentage of
disk space IE uses for
its cache. The default value is 10%,
which is absurd for a large disk.
For example, IE could gobble up 100MB
on a 1GB hard drive! Set the
slider control to a more reasonable
value. I usually limit the cache to
5-20MB -- e.g., 1-2% on a 1GB drive.
* After you adjust the cache setting, click on the
"Empty Folder..."
button to flush the cache.

Reference: MS Knowledge Base, articles Q128327 and Q132571 (on CompuServe, GO MSKB).