Writing at NVDi...
NVDi offers a full range
of technical writing services -- from feature articles to
editing to manual composition, revision and review. One
of our specialties is making complex subjects
understandable to non-technical readers. Here are a
couple of examples available on the Internet...
A Little Knowledge, is a series of columns on
basic computer topics for non-technical and casual
computer users. The first
article discusses buying modems; the second, recently
introduced, talks about choosing a new monitor. The idea
here is to cover those subjects that everyone just
assumes you know about when the computer manuals get
written. What do you need to worry about when you buy a
modem? . . .or a monitor? . . .and what can you ignore?
How do you get effective tech support? How should you
organize your disk so it doesn't look like a
six-year-old's bedroom? How important is file backup
(answer: very) and how do you go about it? ALK gives you
answers to these and many other questions with a minimum
of techno-babble.
As a
consultant, I spend a lot of time telling people
"where the rocks are." Thus, the WhertRA
site. It's a central place for me to dump those little
essays I need to write from time to time. It also saves
me the trouble of rewriting the little beggars
the next time someone asks me the same question.
So, keep an eye on this
page. Items will appear in no particular order on no
predictable schedule. Most, but not all, will probably
have something to do with Windows 95 or Windows NT. The ALK
page will continue to accumulate more complete, formal
articles on basic subjects; WhertRA will be a grab bag
for shorter, more technical obscurities.