the little androgynous At Work symbol indicates, this site is still very much
under construction. For now, I'm offering links to a page describing my business, North Valley Digital, of which I am the owner and (so
far) sole employee, and to my resumé. Also, don't miss the North
Valley Digital staff photo. You can get FastRS here, too, a program that calculates sunrise and
sunset for the Bahá'í Fast. Here are
some of the things I will likely include in the future:
- links to some interesting Montana sites (the North Fork Hostel, for instance),
- a (very) short list of "must have" shareware applications for Windows 95,
- a few little software tidbits (amusing stuff), and
- anything else that appeals to my fancy.
New! ALK is here!
WhertRA Arrives!
As promised, I've started a series of columns on basic computer topics
called A Little Knowledge. The first
article discusses buying modems; the second deals
with purchasing a new monitor. The idea here is to cover those subjects that everyone just
assumes you know about when the computer manuals get written. What do you need to worry
about when you buy a modem? . . .or a monitor? . . .and what can you ignore? How do you
get effective tech support? How should you organize your disk so it doesn't look like a
six-year-old's bedroom? How important is file backup (answer: very) and how do you go
about it? I'll try to give you answers to these and many other questions with a minimum of
techno-babble. See the ALK page for a tentative list of titles and don't
hesitate to suggest other subjects. I'd much
rather write by request than guess.

I've also started building the WhertRA site.
WhertRA is an acronym for "Where the Rocks Are", a sort of personal FAQ
containing answers to questions that I am asked frequently and solutions to problems that
I have found particularly vexing. As a bonus, you have an opportunity to read the dumb
joke that inspired the title. And, by the way, WhertRA looks really nice if you have the Georgia font installed.

Feel free to drop me a line. Also feel free
to use my PGP public key to encrypt your correspondence.

This page was created originally with Microsoft Word 7.0 and Word Internet
Assistant, mainly because it was an easy way to figure out the table stuff. Mind you,
Internet Assistant is not bad at all -- especially for a freebie -- but I have not yet
found a web authoring tool that completely satisfies me (like this really matters).
Continuing this theme, I have been messing around with Microsoft FrontPage for some
time now. This is definitely a better approach, although still not without its annoyances.
Nevertheless, FrontPage 3.0 (aka FrontPage 98) in conjunction with Paint Shop Pro and HTMLib provides a fairly
competent tool set at a very reasonable price. |